

Our premium multimode optical fibers 和 cables are designed to provide reliable, low-power 和 high-b和width connections for a variety of short-reach applications including:

  • 云、边缘和企业数据中心
  • 人工智能/机器学习集群
  • 局域网
  • 存储区域网络
  • 设备的房间
  • 中央办公室


Short-reach solutions combining multimode cabling 和 VCSEL-based transceiver technology have been widely deployed due to their proven advantages in cost, 功耗和可靠性. OFS和它的AT&T贝尔实验室一直处于多模光纤行业的前沿, playing a key role in the development of laser-optimized OM3 和 OM4 multimode fibers, 和 innovating premium OM4+ 和 OM5 multimode fibers designed for multiple wavelength transmission. 通过不懈地专注于制造卓越, we continue to improve the specifications 和 quality of our multimode fibers to offer the most reliable user experience.



LaserWave光纤系列 提供全面的行业领先的质量和规格:

最严格的DMD带宽规格: Exceeding both EMB 和 Mask Width grading techniques to deliver reliable system performance.

超低损耗连接最严格的玻璃几何形状和NA公差: 可靠的连接性能对于短距离解决方案至关重要. Through excellence in process control we’ve tightened our LaserWave fiber geometry 和 NA specifications to deliver ultra-low-loss connections, 进一步提高系统的鲁棒性和可靠性.

卓越的衰减和微弯灵敏度: OFS multimode fiber has the lowest 850nm attenuation in the industry 和 is complimented by our patented D-Lux® Shield coating process that provides exceptional protection against microbend losses experienced during cabling. 的 result is that our premium multimode fibers achieve extremely low attenuation in existing cable designs 和 unlock new high-density multimode cables designs that were previously not possible.



OFS激光波光纤微弯灵敏度的改进已经解锁 多模式可滚动色带解决方案 用于高密度多光纤互连(E.g., 400g sr4, 800g sr8).

  • 部分粘结带
  • 滚成一个圆柱体
  • 比平带密度高
  • 启用带状拼接
  • 多光纤连接器的理想选择

小巧轻便 R-Pack™骨干光纤电缆 are plenum (12-72 fiber) or dual rated (Riser/CPR 12-144 fiber) for use in dem和ing building applications.

更高的纤维含量是可用的 AccuRiser I/O双额定光纤电缆 (隔水管和LSZH/CPR 144-864纤维). AccuRiser cables simplify transitions from outdoor to indoor use 和 feature a dual flame rating for universal use throughout much of the world.


Om3 / om4

  • 卓越的纤维品质: 业界领先的光纤几何和光学参数
  • 高速功能: 支持800gb /s以上的网络速度
  • 改进的Macrobend性能: Better macrobend performance enables better space utilization 和 more compact designs, 同时方便跳线mac
  • 增强网络灵活性: 支持额外的网络灵活性



  • 双频性能:它提供了相当于om5的性能 850nm和910nm 波长,支持双向传输和维护 100米到达 用于太比特以太网应用
  • 具有成本效益的:位于OM4和OM5之间, it provides a cost-effective solution for BiDi applications without supporting the full SWDM4 range up to 953nm
  • 兼容性:它完全向后兼容OM4标准和应用程序, 确保与现有基础设施的无缝集成



  • 高速数据传输: Supports today’s applications including 100/200/400/800 Gb/s Ethernet 和 32/64 GFC
  • 能否经得住时间的考验: 为下一代宽带网络做好准备
  • 优化的性能: Optimized for 100 Gb/s duplex (two fiber) transmission using BiDi 和 SWDM4 applications



与单模相比, multimode fiber continues to be the more cost-effective 和 lowest power consumption fiber for short-reach applications (< 500 meters) due to generally cheaper 和 less power-hungry 850 nm VCSEL-based optics. OFS LaserWave系列的OM3, OM4 和 OM5 multimode fibers support application speeds ranging from 10 Gb/s all the way to 400 Gb/s 和 beyond. LaserWave WideB和 OM5 fiber offers extended reach for multi-wavelength WDM applications, 包括当前和未来的BiDi和SWDM4解决方案, 使其成为最具前瞻性的解决方案.

带宽是多模光纤最重要的参数之一, 哪一个定义了光纤的信息承载能力. OFS has led the way in developing 和 st和ardizing new 和 innovative ways to maximize 和 characterize fiber b和width for reliable system performance.




多模光纤继续发展, 支持企业和数据中心网络的最新网络速度. Multimode technology has maintained its ability to provide the most cost-effective short reach links through a combination of fiber 和 optical component development that takes advantage of technology advances. 光纤带宽是这个等式的关键组成部分.



Multimode optical fiber systems continue to be the most cost-effective fiber choice for shorter reach premises, 校园, 企业局域网, 数据中心应用, 射程可达500 - 600米. This is because multimode optics continues to be less expensive than single-mode optics. Beyond the reach of multimode optical fibers, it becomes necessary to use single-mode optical fiber.



的 way in which these two fiber types transmit light eventually led to their separate names. 一般设计用于中等到长距离(e.g., 地铁, 访问, 和长途网络), single-mode optical fibers have a small core size (< 10 µm) that permits only one mode or ray of light to be transmitted. This tiny core requires precision alignment to inject light from the transceiver into the core, 显著提高收发器成本.

Multimode optical fibers have larger cores that guide many modes simultaneously. 更大的核心使得从收发器捕获光更容易, 允许控制源成本. 类似的, multimode connectors cost less than single-mode connectors as a result of the more stringent alignment requirements of single-mode optical fiber.



多模光纤的传输距离取决于传输速率和收发器.  工业标准定义了使用给定收发器以给定数据速率到达的距离.  例如:

  • 100mb /s时2公里(100BASE-FX)
  • 1gb /s下1公里(1000BASE-SX)
  • 400 - 600米10gb /s (10GBASE-S)
  • 70 - 150米,数据速率范围从40到400 Gb/s.

Transceiver manufacturers offer extended reach transceivers to achieve even longer lengths, 避免使用更昂贵的单模光学器件.  在一般情况下, multimode optical fiber continues to be the most cost-effective choice for short reach applications.



50µm激光优化多模(OM3), OM4, 和 OM5) optical fibers offer significant b和width 和 reach advantages for short-reach applications while preserving the low system cost advantages of multimode optical fiber.

今天,62.5 µm OM1 multimode optical fiber is virtually obsolete 和 is relegated for use with extensions or repairs of legacy, 低带宽系统. 62.5µm OM1光纤在10G时仅支持33米, 它甚至不被认为是一个更快速度的选择.



WideB和 OM5 多模光纤 is a 50 micron (μm) laser-optimized multimode fiber designed to help meet the dem和ing requirements of today’s 850 nm based networks, as well as next-generation multimode short wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM) applications.  OFS’ LaserWave WideB和 OM5 fiber is designed to support light traveling at multiple wavelengths from 850 nm to 953 nm, 不像OM3和OM4光纤只针对单一波长进行了优化, 850海里操作.